Heights Events
Fun Run!
Fun Run!
Fun Run!
Fun Run!
Heights Happenings
Heights Happenings
Heights Happenings

Lisa Farrell, Principal

Mark Crehan, Assistant Principal & Special Education Coordinator

Phone: (781) 784-1595

Administrative Office Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Student School Hours: 9:00 am to 3:15 pm

Student Drop Off: Begins at 8:45 am

Early Dismissal: 12:35 pm

Instagram @heights_sps
Heights Solar Project
Heights Solar

Heights Elementary Solar array is 722 solar modules. This will produce 351,000 kWh in the first year which covers close to 95% of the building's electrical use. It will annually offset 540,000 lbs of CO2 and save the town an estimated $30,000. Over the 20 year life, this is a savings of 5,200 tons of CO2 and $850,000.